Clothing - The Khevsur Talaveri
The most easily identified piece of Khevsur clothing would be the traditional Talaveri tunic. The Talaveri is in form constructed like a classic medieval tunic of a rather square design with a side neck closure, and heavy embroidered decoration on the front yoke, cuffs, and bottom of the garment. The highlanders of Khevsureti are recorded as far back as ~450BC as being excellent weavers, knitters, and cembroiderers by the greek historian Herodetus, who noted that their products would wear out, but never faded. Richly decorated with embroidered designs, often using a repeated cross motif, the talaveri is split from the hem to the waist at the sides to allow mobility in the legs, and is believed by many researchers to be the closest to the form of medieval Georgian garments.